Studio Policy 2024-2025
Please read carefully
Children must be three years old by December 31st, 2024, to enroll in a class at the Guelph Academy of Dance.
No one is permitted to “freeze” enrollment. Enrollment in a dance class is for a full year; therefore, classes and payments may not be interrupted.
For your dancer’s success and confidence, weekly attendance is crucial. If your dancer will be away, please email the studio or call to report their absence. The studio will call families with two missed classes in a row.
A private lesson must be scheduled at your expense if a dancer misses three classes during recital preparation time (beginning of February – end of April). The rate for a private lesson is $50.00/hour.
If you intend to withdraw from classes, please inform TGAD and follow the withdrawal policy on the reverse side of this form.
Refunds are not issued for missed classes.
Parents of students enrolled in Pre Ballet 2 and above are required to purchase tickets to the year-end recital.
Parents should be aware that there might be extra costs related to the end-of-year recital (for example, tights for jazz and tap costumes); however, these costs are kept to a minimum.
TGAD does not give out staff home phone numbers or personal email addresses. If you want to speak to the teacher, please call, and I will pass the message to them.
TGAD does not pass out class lists or provide information about any of the students.
The Guelph Academy of Dance follows the Upper Grand School Board’s decisions regarding inclement weather, particularly the City of Guelph schools. Please check our social media pages for inclement weather cancellations. Cancellations are communicated at 2:00 pm.
- If the school buses are cancelled and the schools are closed, Dance classes at the studio are cancelled. The exception is closures due to COLD WEATHER. Always check your email.
- If the school buses are cancelled and the schools remain open, the studio will be open, and classes will run as scheduled.
- If poor weather develops during the day, we will email your family if classes need to be cancelled.
Information will be updated on our social media pages and voicemail and sent by email – please check.